Friday, August 23, 2019

A Number of Things Legal MnA and IPOs, Retro 2019 Growth anticipated D and I, Music and AI and other

This will be an unusual update as a mix of a few points on observation, perhaps a catch up if you will:

DCarsonCPANET and GRLSTEM following the  Legal and Business Lines with IBIS Today:

Legal Sector

IBIS World Article on MnA and IPOs driving the Legal Sector Growth at 8/15/19:

Business Sectors:

IBIS World on 2019 Growth Sectors:

D&I at lead:

From  DCarsonCPA_ CALS  Creative Artists Lines:

Continuing Ventures on  Dean Live and Dean Carson on Music  :

Working with the Seasons Outreach lines on Music and Live Performance and encountering some of the industry lines of  pressing AI into musicianship.  Will elaborate more some but have anticipatory questions on will we ultimately out do ourselves by empowering AI to independently create music it may have some unintended impacts on those who love music and believe in the value of human creation is it a changing of the tools or the lose of the skills.... hard to say but worth and analysis and a note that increasingly the human ear is look to the perfection of technology in music more than appreciating perhaps the humanity in creation.....  and the beat goes on as they say...

For the Creative Sector and an Example of the Impact of AI to the Human in Music:

Just a few points on the lines in consideration and some new updates.

DCarsonCPA NETGRLSTEM  and DCarsonCPA on more.