Tuesday, May 5, 2020

World Bank on Covid Crisis and Health Economics AND Our thoughs on the True Governance Equation and Yardstick

World Bank on the  general specifics of health economics, statistics, actuarial and scientific numerical epidemiology:

DCarsonCPA on the needed yardsticks and slow moving communications of Covid:

The Covid Crisis is revealing we need a new and active ready statistical model where the Numerator and Denominators are aligned to help gauge and measure response and weight the balance of  Health Responses to Economic Impacts not because we like that but because in order to logically lead the economy requires a compass to quantification and magnitude.

We will return here to add more soon but in essence the point is that currently no transparent yardstick exists of health impacts to economic impacts and that is the line where the #CostBenefit exists to crisis level decision making for the National, Multi-State, Regional , State and Local Economics and the next level lines of International Economies, Trade, Aid and the wider range of Global Macro Economics

We have some detailed observations on the crisis to soon follow here or on subsequent post to precision lines.

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