Sunday, December 2, 2018

Michigan State in Context to their view of Construct Models with STEM Learning

Michigan State University shares their Contextual Lines on Construct Modeling, while these lines grew separate from our own work flows which originated early in 2009 but evolved over a period o time it is relevant to note that on overview we see value in this more documented line and then will share our own view to evolved construct modeling and how it plays out or should be playing out on the Entity, Policy and Community Lines ( #EPCLines ) of evolution to support #Shareholder and broader end line #SocietalStakeholder value needs for Humanity.

Our Model in Framework with Value to Support Financial Decision Makers on Aggregate and Per Entity and Individual / Family and Community lines to needs:

|| #DCarsonCPANET WE are Social Accountants working like you in the framework of  this Knowledge Age confirmed that the value at work in core financials is a means to an end in support of #FinancialDecisionMaking the root core and potential of which is a Societal Framework to needs for #Stakeholders which include the seen and foreseeable users of Financial Statements in the Legacy #AICPA conceptual model to #Financials in the Societal Context.  In this knowledge advanced chapter of rapid learning there is immense potential to entity , policy and community level decision making improvement where #Data #DataScience and #Financials meet on teamwork lines from Entities to Individuals and Families and Communities on the Policy Lines of returns which hold Entities to Accountable Frameworks along with the Self Governance Lines of #GRC and #ITGRC which ideally carry a slightly higher standard to Accountability and Self Governance as a statement of value in context. #Financials in and of their own have no value, rather it is the ascribable #HumanValue to support a #WaystoaMeans through #Logistics which inherently connects #Growth and #Risk through the middle eight of  #Logistics in a Musical Metaphor. This is the key point where we see the Value with #GRLSTEM which connects the Shareholder and Stakeholder needs in a model of #G #R  #L #STEM for the value of new approaches where #Data #DataScience #Financials #Legal #Technology and #societal needs align for prioritizes #Domestic and #Global value to productive teamwork for Humanity and core values of #Freedom and #Liberty.

Where the value at work through financials is the manner to move logistics to help on agreed upon needs in societal frameworks to decision making for Entity, Policy and Community needs. Proportionately Financial in Industry and with X Factor Human an Societal Value on Non Profit, NGO, Government and Community lines to needs where value is ascribed through policy of actuarial, statistical, financial and tax means to proxy for the nominal value of a human factor which is in effect priceless but must be quantified as a means to an ends as per the example of insurance and the valuation of human life or limb or it's counterparts on medical lines as an agreed societal measure to value but never sufficient in the fullest terms to express a core intrinsic human value, merely a societal measure to allow teamwork with tools that should be optimally aligned to support human value across the ebb and flow of  #EPCLines in frameworks to community and societal decision making.

Every line of a Debit or Credit is as footprint of action as an ends to means to build for improvements under cost benefit constraints to a line of allocations that supports an Individual, Family, Community or series of Entities more commonly referred to as Industry, NGO, Non Profit or Government Entities and their point in context to supporting Constitutional and related lines to Societal needs with priority to Freedom and Liberty in the framework where the higher estate of humanity is teamwork to build for improvements with a context of rugged individualism and shared accountability; We can help.